Take-home pay, also known as net pay, is the amount of money you actually receive in your bank account after all deductions have been made from your gross salary. These deductions typically include income tax, National Insurance contributions, student loan repayments, and pension contributions.
While your gross salary represents your total earnings before any deductions, take-home pay reflects what’s left for you to spend, save, or invest. Understanding your take-home pay is crucial for effective budgeting and financial planning, as it gives you a clear picture of your disposable income.
Our online pay slip calculator makes it easy to determine your take-home (net) pay based on your salary and tax code. Calculate exactly how much you’ll receive from your weekly, monthly, or annual wages.
With this salary calculator, you can explore how changes in your income impact your take-home pay. It also provides a clear breakdown of the tax and employee National Insurance contributions you’ll pay to HMRC.